Q: How do I visit one or more multiple in the hospital once the one or more of the other babies go home?
A: Having babies in the hospital and at home is probably one of the most difficult experiences a new parent of multiples may face. Many parents expressed feelings of guilt during this time because they frequently felt that when they were at the hospital they should really be at home helping, and when they were home they felt guilty about the little one(s) still in the hospital. Many mothers feel as if they should be at the hospital every day, but that isn’t always possible. Appropriate childcare for your preemies at home may not be available on a daily basis. Mothers must also appreciate that they have just had major abdominal surgery which requires time to recuperate and have newborns at home. Visiting the baby(ies) in the hospital as often as possible is ideal, but be kind to yourself; you can only be in one place at one time and remember, this situation is very temporary.
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