Listed below are skills that typically occur during each age range given. Remember that these are just general guidelines; all children develop differently. If you feel your child is not growing or learning like other children of the same age, please contact your Pediatrician!
By the age of…
- 1-6 months, most children…
- follow objects visually and reach for them
- roll over
- babble
- 6-12 months, most children…
- sit alone, creep, crawl
- respond to own name
- hold own bottle
- 12-18 months, most children…
- walk alone a few steps
- use single words
- drink form a cup
- 18-24 months, most children…
- walk well; run
- use many words to name familiar objects/people
- eat with a spoon
- 24-30 months, most children…
- point to 4-5 body parts
- use short sentences
- help in dressing
- 30-36 months, most children…
- play cooperatively with other children
- walk up and down stairs
- say first and last name
Here are some other sites and tools that offer information on developmental milestones: