Sometimes, in the midst of living some of the most joy-filled times of life, a tragedy beyond imagination occurs.
Those who have suffered one of life’s greatest losses truly understand the devastation and pain involved in losing a child: a dream, a future … a life.
Below are support services to help families who have experienced a loss through their time of grief.
Guide to Grieving Support Resources
Baby Angel Pics – touches up parent photos of stillborn babies. They do this for free to offer parents better pictures of their child.
The Center for Loss in Multiple Births (CLIMB) – Bereavement support
Compassionate Friends – is a non-profit, self-help support organization to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.
Dr. Beth Pector’s website– (one of our Professional Advisory Board members) provides articles on prematurity, loss, grief, and bereavement.
Grief Watch – provides bereavement resources, memorial products and links to help through your personal loss. It also serves as an excellent educational tool for all who travel down the road of grief.
MISS Foundation – is a volunteer based organization committed to providing crisis support and long term aid to families after the death of a child from any cause.
My Forever Child – offers personalized memorial keepsakes, remembrance jewelry and sympathy gifts to comfort those touched by the loss of a child, no matter what age.