Some words from Denise, a mom of quintuplets, about MOST. Thanks Denise, we appreciate the kinds words.
At the time it was a life saver. I was stumbling around in unfamiliar territory. I was frustrated at the lack of cold hard facts that were not in existence at the time regarding multiple births, conception vs. outcome, preemie survival, etc. But of course this was 20 years ago, and my whole pregnancy had been doom and gloom until I found Maureen Boyle and MOST.
The MOST families I found with older quints were a wealth of information and helped keep me focused and in control of a crazy situation. (Due to the prematurity of my children, we had a number of challenges that lead to trying to find many avenues for assistance and such.)
I never wanted another expectant mother to feel as lost and hopeless as I did at times during my pregnancy, when so many people were saying it couldn’t be done, or after their birth, when just as many people said it shouldn’t have been done and how hard it was going to be to cope. Reaching out to the expectant moms I could find just seemed like a calling, and with MOST behind me, it continued to blossom until the children became school aged and I returned to the out-of-the-house work force.
I still look back and feel the drive and desire I had to help others is what kept me going through the thick and thin of what my family had to deal with. I must give MOST the credit for maintaining my sanity through the crazy times. I’ll never be able to express the gratitude I have toward this organization and what it represents. What I was allowed to do in the name of MOST, I consider one of my all-time greatest accomplishments to date!