August 2012
- Breastfeeding Month
- Back to School!
- Stories from the Heart blog
- Hot Topics on the MOST Family Forums
- MOST Membership
- Support MOST – 25 years of supporting HOM families and children
Breastfeeding Month
This month is National Breastfeeding Month. Did you know that over 2/3 of MOST moms provide at least some milk for their babies. For some moms, breastfeeding is the only source of nourishment for their multiples. Many more mothers nurse and use formula. Some, for many reasons both medical and personal, formula feed only. MOST supports all mothers of multiples, no matter their choice of feeding. If you are a member of MOST, feel free to call the office for breastfeeding support.
Back to School
Wow! This summer went by fast. Enjoying some lazy days of summer or gearing up for school? Maybe your children have already started! Are your children attending school for the first time, or maybe they are in their senior year? Or in between! Visit the School Age Multiples section of the website.
Purchasing back to school items?
By using these links, MOST will recieve a portion of your purchase! It’s easy, just visit Amazon through this link and shop! Many stores with back to school supplies, clothing and items are at
Wondering what to do with your time after the children are in school? Please consider becoming a volunteer for MOST! Give the office a call 631-859-9110 to ask any questions or fill out the application.