- Endometriosis Awareness Month
- Daylight Savings Time
- Adopt A Family -A gracious thank you
- MOST MOMS Weekend – NYC? Where?
- Stories from the Heart blog
- MOST Membership – Help other parents
An estimated 200+ million women have endometriosis. This is about 15% of all women. Endometriosis is the biggest cause of infertility in women. Did you know it takes 7-10 years to diagnose for many women? The first world wide endometriosis march will be held March 13 in Washington DC and around the world.
Short video about endometriosis symptoms and treatments
Daylight Savings Time
It’s that time of year…time to spring forward the clocks. This Sunday at 2am, the clock springs forward to 3 am. Many children adjust easily but don’t be dismayed if yours do not! Most families adjust the schedule by 15 min increments over the course of a few days.
How much sleep do your children need? Look at Are Your Kids Getting Enough Sleep?
Adopt a Family – A very gracious thank you
Again, thank you all for the generosity given to the MOST Adopt A Family program. Here is a special note from one of the adopted families.
I am writing as the tears are still in my eyes from opening the box of gifts for my kids from our anonymous angel family. Thank you whoever you are. Things were so hard this year that I had not realized that I had forgotten my Verizon bill until after I had gotten a few gifts for the kids. So for the first time in 5o years my phone was disconnected. I went through bags of carefully chosen toys tonight and realized that even though I had spent more money than I should have, it does not go far with 4 kids, so two boys were only getting 2 gifts for them. Yes they will undoubtedly share everything, but I just felt like a horrible mother. The boys being autistic really will be thrilled to get anything and not connect it to a special day, but this is the first year that my 6 yo daughter has been looking forward to Christmas.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the time, love and effort that a stranger blessed my kids with. Thank you for helping a mom feel better this holiday whoever you are and to all those at MOST that makes things like this possible.
Time to start thinking of the MOST MOM Weekend. This gathering of moms usually occurs in July. Last year in Atlanta was lots of fun. Fun time together, being with others who “get” you.
Where should we go? NYC? Chicago? Hope you can come join us. We have interest in NYC. Any where else?
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