School-Age Multiples

Chefs to the Rescue for Healthier and Yummier School Lunches new study finds that getting a professional chef’s input actually does improve fruit and vegetable selection in school cafeterias, leading students to eat more of them.

The study included more than 2,600 students in grades 3 through 8 at 14 elementary and middle schools in two urban, low-income districts […]

Device-free Dinners Important for Child Development

Are you constantly checking your phone for messages during dinner? A new study finds that mothers’ use of cellphones and other devices during meals was tied with 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children.

“This study documents what […]

More Parents Report Children’s Disabilities

Parents are reporting their children’s disabilities more now than a decade ago, according to a study published online in Pediatrics. Analysis of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) records found that reports of physical disabilities have declined and neurodevelopmental or mental health disability reports […]

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