When you donate to Raising Multiples, you might have wonder what the future holds for these families. Here is a letter we received earlier this month from a mom that was helped in the past. Your gift makes a difference….this year and in years to come.
(We have removed identifying info to protect her and her children's privacy.)
Thank you for donating to Raising Multiples
Hello my name is M. I’m a mother of triplets, I want to say thank you for your help on the past two years. This year I’m able to buy two toys for each of my kids.
I finally got a job which I’m working two days out of the week. For now in my life is getting better and I’m getting there with all my kids.
Thank you for everything that you guys did and I hope that you guys can help more families like you did to me.
I just want to wish you merry Christmas happy New Years and God bless you and all the people that helps you guys.