Adopt a Family

Raising Multiples’ 2017 Adopt-a-Family List

Here are our 2017 families.  You can read more about our program on our FAQ page.  Raising Multiples is a registered IRS 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law.

Thank you for your interest in helping families in need this holiday season. […]

Helped A Few Years Ago – Now Doing Better

When you donate to Raising Multiples, you might have wonder what the future holds for these families.  Here is a letter we received earlier this month from a mom that was helped in the past. Your gift makes a difference….this year and in years to come.

(We have removed identifying info to protect her and  [...]

Adopt-a-Family 2016

Raising Multiples 2016 Adopt-a-Family ListdonatenowWP

Adopt-a-Family List

(click the link above to download the list)


Thank you for your interest in helping families in need this holiday season. If you would like to adopt […]

Adopt A Family

What is Adopt-a-Family?fmailyspotlight
The Raising Multiples Adopt-a-Family outreach program is an annual effort, mainly at holiday time, by volunteers and donors to provide assistance to multiple birth families in need. Over the years, Adopt-a-Family has helped hundreds […]

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